Cold Jade Bed

"It's fine, you can go."

"Are you alright?"

"It's fine. I hope you can find the Black Frost Flower soon."

Zhao Shuning nodded.

"Then I'll continue. If you discover something, remember to tell me."

Gu Han looked for a smile.

"Of course."

The two continued their search.

However, after finding out that it was the middle of the night, neither Zhao Shuning nor Gu Han found anything.

When he came out.

Gu Han Xun held two bamboo cages in his hands.

He passed one of them to Zhao Shuning.

Zhao Shuning had a puzzled expression.

"What is this?"

"Just open it and take a look."

Zhao Shuning opened it carefully. Inside was a cricket.

"What did you give me this for?"

Gu Han Xun chuckled lightly.