Palm Token

"But I don't want to make a decision."

Zhao Shuning turned around.

Ye Zichen looked at Yan Ruyu.

Be serious.

"I do not wish to choose between the righteousness of the world and my big brother. I do not owe anything in this world, but I owe him a lot."

"Ning, son, the reason I'm telling you all of this isn't because I want you to make a choice." However, that Zhao Huai does not belong to this plane after all. The reason he appeared here as a baby was also because of an accident. In the end, he wanted to return to his own place. "

"No stains."

It was rare for Zhao Shuning to interrupt Yan Ruyu.

Yan Ruyu also stopped.

She looked at Zhao Shuning seriously.

"Don't hurt him." He was referring to Zhao Huai.

He didn't know why. Yan Ruyu clearly knew that Zhao Shuning's feelings for Zhao Huai were more like kinship. However, his heart couldn't help but twitch when he heard Zhao Shuning's solemn tone towards him.