Scared Everyone

No dye.

Is it so domineering?

Zhao Shuning's eyes widened.

Her agile body in the past seemed a little clumsy now.

She originally wanted to speak.

She wanted to ask Untainted if she was still angry.

But just as she opened her mouth, Untainted's tongue took advantage of the situation.

Zhao Shuning's head, with a bang, was covered.

It was not that she was deliberately pretending to be pure. She and Yan Ruyu were already engaged. What should be done, what should not be done, they had already tried it once.


Under such broad daylight.

Zhao Shuning really felt that.

A man who doesn't have such a thin mind shouldn't be able to do it.


Zhao Shuning noticed that something was not right.

The sweet taste in her throat was slowly disappearing.

Following that.

It was a warm breath.

Untainted by him, was this helping him pass his Qi?

But this method.