A Desperate Situation

That's it.

This was also Dongfang Yinuo's purpose for coming here. She originally wanted to wait. After the clan elders had dispersed, they told their uncle about the matter, to prevent any panic or instability in the morale of the army.

She did not expect her uncle to have already received the news and told them in front of the elders.

"Uncle, you?"

"This matter is no longer a secret. One promise, you don't have to deliberately hide it. Why do you think that our uncles would gather in the General Estate just to welcome that child?"


Uncle and the others also knew?

"This matter is still unclear. So I don't want to say it out loud to worry the uncles, and I hope the uncles will forgive me for keeping this a secret."

"No worries. You only need to tell us what you know. At this stage, it is already a life and death struggle. At worst, we will die together in the end."

Perish together?