Red Lotus Imprint

Where is this place?

Didn't she follow Mo Yan?

Why did I appear here in a flash of white light?

And he even changed his appearance in his previous life?

Could it be?

Was this a dream?

Zhao Shuning used all her strength to twist herself and almost cried out in pain.

Was this not an illusion?

Then where is this?

Fortunately, the sound of the bell did not attract any wind. Only then did Zhao Shuning have the time to properly size up the place she was at.


There was a huge space here.

The room was empty.

It was dozens of meters tall.

The entire room was circular.

The four sides were very simple. There were not many decorations. Zhao Shuning looked around.

Her brows knitted more and more tightly.

This room?

On the wall?

It was filled with portraits.


The person in the portrait was obviously himself.

Or? Luo Qiu?