I Made a Move

Lou Lan's name.

It had been a long, long time since someone had called Mo Yan that.

The people behind Yan Ruyu could no longer tolerate it.

He took a step forward and said.

"Sister, is it this man who forced you to do this?"

"Fairy, you don't need to fear, everything is ours"

"Elder Sister Ling, you shouldn't have done this."

"Big Sister Ling, the Ancestor truly treats you with sincerity. No matter what your motive is, doing this will hurt his heart."

There were different opinions.

However, the woman remained unmoved.

She looked at Yan Ruyu.

Then she looked at Luo Qiu in the corner.

She seemed to have made some kind of decision.

He said directly: "Now, Sir Mo Yan is no longer the same as before. Following him is my choice. No matter what you say, it won't change this fact. "

"Furthermore, Lord Mo Yan treats me sincerely. For the past few hundred years, I have been in his heart."