A Drunkard Begging on the Street

The cloud poison master heard the boy's words.

He pretended to hit the child with his hands again.

"A little child pretending to be profound and asking for a beating."

The child escaped.

He ran in the direction of Yan Ruyu.

He shouted, "Brother Feng, save me!"

Poison Master Yun covered his forehead.

This little fiend was truly spoiled. He really dared to call his mistress Big Brother Feng.

Yan Ruyu heard the shouts.

The jade flute in his hand was slowly put down.

He looked at the little boy with his cold eyes.

The little boy was not scared by his cold eyes. He ran into Yan Ruyu's arms.

Yan Ruyu liked silence.

He was a germaphobe.

The little boy bumped into him.

Poison Master Yun immediately furrowed his brows.

Before he could reach Yan Ruyu, he had already knelt down on both knees.