Mother Hug

She had been curious about the friend who had recommended her to a blind date. It seemed like he hadn't even spoken a few words, so why would he suddenly introduce a boyfriend to her on a whim?

Now it seemed that he must have other plans.

Mu Xiyan was a little helpless, but she still had a good rest so she put on a smile. She sat down across from the man and greeted him politely.

"Mister Liang, I've made you wait for a long time."

"No need for that. Waiting for a beauty is also a type of enjoyment."

Returning Sea God stretched out his short and fat hands to shake hands with Mu Xiyan. His lustful eyes roamed around her body.

Mu Xiyan hesitated for a moment before she stretched out her hand to shake his hand. However, just as she was about to retract her hand, that person unexpectedly held on tightly with a wretched expression.

"Miss Mu's hands are so delicate. She must be taking quite a lot of care."

Hei Gui chuckled, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth.

"Yeah, don't women like to spend money on these things?"

Mu Xiyan awkwardly smiled.

Then he pulled his hand back.

Hearing these words, the expression on Hai Hui's face changed. He then smiled coyly as he spoke.

"I think it's better for a woman to stay at home and take care of her children. For men, only good wives and good mothers can marry them. Those who make a ruckus know how to spend their money, so they stay outside to play."

Playing outside?

This big boss still wants the red flag to not fall and the colorful flag to float outside? His wife was diligent and thrifty, saving the money for him to raise a mistress?

"What Mister Liang said is very true, but I can't help myself." "Actually, it's not much. It's only two to three million yuan per year. Mister Liang should be able to accept it right?"

Mu Xiyan smiled sweetly, but the smile in her eyes didn't reach her eyes.

Hearing Mu Xiyan's words, the man felt his liver ache. He clutched his chest as his face gradually turned pale, as if he could already see his hard-earned money flowing away.

"Mr. Liang, recently we have a new bag on the market. It's super beautiful, only a few hundred thousand yuan. If you have time, why don't we go take a look after dinner?"

"Heh …" "Heh …"

The corners of Mister Liang's mouth twitched as he revealed a smile that was uglier than crying. After that, he forcefully swallowed his smile and took out his phone.

"Hello, oh oh oh …" Director Chen, how are you? What, he had to go now? "Alright, alright, I'll be there right away, I'll be there right away …"

As he spoke, he stood up as if he would be stopped by Mu Xiyan if he was even a step later.

"I'm sorry, Miss Mu. There is a big business deal that requires me to go back and take care of. I'll make an appointment next time when I'm free."

Mu Xiyan glanced at his phone, which didn't even light up, and pointed at the dishes on the table that she didn't eat much.

"If you have something to say, Mister Liang, just go ahead and do it. However, you won't ask a lady to pay, right?"

Upon hearing Mu Xiyan's words, Mister Hai Hui's face instantly flushed red.

"Miss Mu is overthinking it. Of course not."

As he said that, he took out his wallet and rushed to the reception. It was obvious that he did not want to stay any longer than necessary.

Looking at his fleeing appearance, Mu Xiyan couldn't help but chuckle.

Even if they wanted to embarrass him, there was no need for them to intentionally look for such a person.

Just as she wanted to get up and leave, she felt someone tugging at her skirt.

When she looked down, she saw a little boy who looked like a ball of glutinous rice, blinking at her.

Mu Xiyan's heart softened every time she saw a child, so she squatted down and asked gently.

"Little friend, why are you alone? Did you leave your parents?"

As Mu Xiyan spoke, she looked around.

But he didn't expect the child to actually raise his small hand and speak in a soft voice.

"Mommy, hug."