Bad Premonition

If he couldn't do this properly, Xiao Yunfei wouldn't let him off so easily …

Although she didn't know what grudges Mu Xiyan had with Xiao Yunfei, the benefits that Xiao Yunfei had given her were simply too attractive. Just based on this fact alone, she was determined to destroy Mu Xiyan.

"Sister Meng Jia, don't worry. Those broken things she designed aren't even worthy of comparing with you."

Although she knew Xu Yuan didn't mean it, Lin Mengjia enjoyed the feeling of being praised.

"Humph, let's wait and see …"

A trace of viciousness flashed across Lin Mengjia's eyes. The cruel smile on her face was like a completely different person compared to her usual sweet and beautiful appearance.


It was finally her turn. Looking at the examiner of the audition before her, Mu Xiyan took her design and walked forward as she introduced him.

She thoroughly analyzed the company's characteristics, detailed introduction to the design style and concept of her work.

Her voice wasn't loud, but it was clear and melodious. Her tone was filled with confidence.

The moment they left the stage, Wu Qing came over, "Xi Yan, how is it, is it stable now?"

Seeing that she was even more nervous than herself, Mu Xiyan patted her hand and smiled.

"What's there to be unsteady about? Everything has to wait for the results to be announced before we know."

Actually, Mu Xiyan was also very nervous. After all, this was the first step for her to develop and gain a foothold back home.

In order to ease her nervousness, she snapped her fingers and looked around. Suddenly, she found Lin Mengjia in the corner, whispering something into the ear of a middle-aged man.

Originally, she didn't care much about it, but that man's eyes were staring at her, causing her to have a bad premonition.

When the results were announced, Mu Xiyan's breath suddenly caught in her throat as she looked at the interviewer on the stage.

Because one of them was the one who had just been talking to Lin Mengjia...

Mu Xiyan clenched her fist tightly. Although she didn't show it on the surface, she knew clearly in her heart that she wouldn't have any fate with this match.

Very quickly, Mu Xi Yan's work was displayed on the screen. Seeing the eye contact between Lin Meng Jia and that interviewer, Mu Xi Yan's heart turned cold.

"Manager, her design is indeed to our company's taste, but as an internationally renowned brand, what we need is innovation, not to cater to. We have a lot of designs, so we really don't need to hire other similar designers."

The moment he finished speaking, Mu Xiyan was completely discouraged.

Lin Mengjia, who was standing at the side, seemed to be very pleased with what he had said, and her lips curved up into a cold smile.

However, no one replied her after a while. Lin Mengjia stared blankly for a while.

At this moment, the manager of the design department was carefully staring at Mu Xiyan's script, who knew what he was thinking about.

After a long silence, the team leader who had spoken just now could only speak again in a soft voice.


"Can you tell me what you think about this design?"

The manager didn't pay any attention to his words, but looked at Mu Xiyan with anticipation.


Seeing that the situation had turned for the better, Mu Xiyan hurriedly walked forward and introduced her work.

"Your products from the past have already formed a unique brand style, so, based on the continuation of my original style, I have made an innovation …"

The manager's eyes lit up as he listened to Mu Xiyan.

Yes, designers tend to pay attention to their own designs, but rarely to the company's audience.

This gave the Sales Department a headache.

Everyone had their own preferences. If this kind of subversive design was not used in a special situation, once or twice, it would be stunning, and the more times, it would make people feel that it was changeable, and thus lose the brand's loyalty.

This is why they have been perpetuating a style, which is to replace the brand with style.

As long as this style of clothing, people will immediately think of the brand, thus deepening the impression of the brand.

"What you said is true, but you can only hold on to your original position and not improve. If you continue like this, you will only end up in decline."

When the chief saw that the manager had been persuaded, he frowned slightly and looked disapprovingly at Mu Xiyan.