What Should Come will Eventually Come

Looking at the little guy's appearance, it was obvious that he had long since woken up. It was impossible for him to not hear the sound of his door knocking.

Since he could hear them, that was on purpose.

However, the little guy turned his face around and didn't have any intention of replying. He was wholeheartedly hiding in Mu Xiyan's arms, unwilling to come out.

Looking at Yan Chen's increasingly cold expression, then looking at the door of her bedroom, Mu Xiyan wanted to cry, but no tears came out.

What kind of sin was this? It was because she slept a little late last night, so she slept a little. Was there really a need to vent her anger on the door?

Seeing Yan Chen's expression darken, and the little guy's arms tightened around her, Mu Xiyan didn't even have the time to mourn for the door she had just sacrificed.

"That... Shouldn't you let us change our clothes first? "

Yan Chen glanced at Mu Xiyan before turning to leave with a look of disdain on his face.

As for closing the door, that was completely out of the question.

Mu Xiyan really didn't have time to think about this. Right now, she only wanted to send this god of pests, who could explode at any time, away. If she stayed, who knew what kind of trouble she would cause.

This was definitely the most earth-shattering time she had ever woken up.

Yan Chen watched them change their clothes and come out of the bedroom. They then went to the bathroom and washed up together, just like a mother and her son. Yan Chen sat on the sofa in the living room, his eyes twinkling.

If it wasn't for this woman's vicious heart, they might really be living together like an ordinary couple.

Although he couldn't give her love, he believed that he could do it with normal life and respect. Even if she was Tian Tian's mother, he wouldn't just let her be.

While the little fellow was washing up, Mu Xiyan took the opportunity to return to the living room. Looking at Yan Chen, she braced herself and spoke.

"Mr. Yan... Why don't you take some time in the afternoon and go to the kindergarten? "

No matter what, he had to do what he promised the little fellow.

"I know."

"Then... "Good."

Mu Xi Yan was at a loss. She wanted to ask if she really looked like Tian Tian's mother, but for some reason, she just couldn't bring herself to say it.

Even after the father and son pair left, Mu Xiyan was still unable to ask what she wanted to ask.


Inside the car, Yan Chen helped Little Rascal fasten its seat belt and prepared to start the car, but Little Rascal was still looking outside with a wistful expression on its face.

"Dad, after school, can I still come to mom's place?"

"If you must have a mother, I can help you find something better."

"I don't want anything better. I only want my own."

The father and son duo couldn't seem to agree with Mu Xiyan at all. One liked to stick together while the other rejected her from the bottom of their hearts.

Seemingly really angry, the little guy's face almost turned into the shape of a bun. He glared at Yan Chen and shouted angrily.

"Daddy is a scum, hmph!"

Yan Chen almost stepped on the car that was on fire just now because of the little fellow's words.

"Who did you learn these words from? Besides, do you know what a scumbag is?"

"Why can't I? I saw on TV that my mother had no money to spend, that she lived in such a small house, that she slept in such a small bed, that she had to go out and look for a job, and that my father wanted another woman to take her place. Mom really doesn't like you, hmph! "

"I didn't let her stay in the outside world. She didn't want you to …"

Yan Chen rubbed his forehead, his head throbbing with pain.

It seemed like he needed to go home and tell his mother not to watch TV with the kids. It was all a mess.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the small, aggrieved face in the rearview mirror. Tears were already rolling down his cheeks.

"Don't cry, Yan Zihang. I'm warning you, don't cry …"

"Wow …"

Five minutes later.

"Alright, you win …"


Looking at the little fellow's eyes that were sparkling with happiness, Yan Chen couldn't help but recall Mu Xiyan's appearance. It was just a brief encounter, but it was deeply imprinted into his mind.

Looking at his son now, he didn't know why, but he felt that he was more like that woman. Even her personality seemed to have been inherited perfectly.

Forget it. If you love money, then love money. As long as you don't abandon Tian Tian in the future, that's fine.

The corner of Yan Chen's lips curled up slightly after agreeing to Little Rascal.


After finally sending off that large and small figure, Mu Xiyan still hadn't managed to catch her breath.

Suddenly, her phone rang. Looking at the string of numbers on it, Mu Xiyan's expression instantly froze, cold to the point that there wasn't even a trace of warmth.

What was to come would eventually come. After a few seconds, she still picked up the phone.