Every Day They Fight

The next afternoon, in the kindergarten, the children were playing games, holding hands. A few teachers were standing in the yard, taking advantage of the children's fun time to take a rest.

"Tian Tian, your mother is a big star. You're so lucky. I also want my mother to be a star …"

A girl with a ponytail followed Tian Tian as she raised her envious eyes. Her small mouth was slightly pursed, and there was a bit of sweat on her temples. She was holding a small pink bear in her hand.

Upon hearing these words, Tian Tian turned around, smiling happily as she proudly patted his chest.

"My Mommy is the prettiest Mommy, so she can be a celebrity …"

The words of a child were always so funny that even the teachers beside him couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

However, the other older children in the kindergarten immediately became unwilling.