Material Only Compensation

Hearing his words, Mu Xiyan was stunned.

Why did Yan Chen suddenly treat her so well? This was something he had never done before.

Would he remember what happened last night?

When she thought of this possibility, Mu Xiyan's face felt like it was on fire, and it was burning hot.

After the call ended, Yan Chen grabbed his suit jacket and walked towards Mu Xiyan's position.

Along the way, the eyes of many of the female clerks drifted toward him.

"Why would Director Yan come to our place?"

"Are you stupid? It must be for his little delicate wife."

"Only after you said that did I remember that Mu Xiyan was working in our department. I saw her coming back this morning."

"If that's the case, then Yan will always look for Mu Xiyan. Ah, it's so sweet, really enviable."

Along the way, there were a few female employees discussing softly.