What Qualifications Do You Have to Talk about Conditions

Just as Yan Chen arrived at the company's entrance, he received a call from Xiao Yunfei.

He subconsciously wanted to cut her off, but Xiao Yunfei was crafty and he didn't know what other tricks she had hidden. If she was willing to give up the support of the Xiao family for revenge, that would be even more of a headache for him.

Yan Chen pursed his lips and answered the phone.

Xiao Yunfei waited fearfully for a long time. When Yan Chen picked up the call, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Slowly, she said in an extremely good tone: "Yan Chen, my father wants me to give him money. Otherwise, if he tells Xiao Hao Ting about my identity, can you give me some money?"

She asked this very carefully.

After all, Yan Chen also knew her identity. He was afraid that there was something wrong with her words. If she angered him, she would tell this secret to Xiao Hao Court.