He Is Unworthy

Grabbing the phone that had already gone black, Mu Xiyan stood rooted to the spot with an indifferent expression.

This was her so-called biological father. Unless it touched upon his interests, he would take the initiative to contact her.

Shaking her head and thinking about how Tian Tian was still waiting for him, Mu Xi Yan took a deep breath and slapped her face.

I can't let this man ruin my mood.

"Is it surnamed Xiao?"

The magnetic male voice suddenly fell from above, and it stood out in the empty basement.

Mu Xiyan was shocked as she subconsciously took a step back. Her body became unsteady and she almost fell down.

Fortunately, there was a pair of large hands on her waist in time to firmly support her falling body.

Smelling the familiar yet comforting smell, Mu Xiyan's tense heart finally eased up, and she rebuked, "Why are you scaring me!"