Treat Others in Their Own Way

The days of disarray soon ended.

The next day, after collecting all the drafts of the design, the original plan was followed.

Lin Qixian personally participated in the selection, joint professional designers score, screening.

All of the processes were broadcast live, in accordance with the principle of fairness and openness, without any moisture.

The person who could take first place this time would not only become the company's chief designer, but more importantly, he would also be able to apply his design to the new product packaging of the first-line Yalan brand, making him famous in an instant!

Almost everyone put in all their effort and brought out their best skill.

"What should I do? I don't know if my work will work!"

"This time, the CEO has come up with such a big plan. He's clearly going to promote us. In the past, such a big project was never designed by us little designers. This time, I might have a chance to shine!"