
For some unknown reason, Anfey woke up halfway through her sleep. She turned her head and looked out the window. It was already starting to light up, but it was still early. She yawned and was about to go back to sleep, but she couldn't.

A strong instinct caused her to get up from the bed. She put on her pajamas and stood by the window, noticing that there was a shadow under the tree downstairs.

That figure was very familiar to Anfey. She recognized Yan Hao almost at a glance.

An Xi couldn't help but tighten her grip on the curtain. Why did he come here when he wasn't sleeping?

Yan Hao suddenly raised his head as if he had come to an understanding. Coincidentally, his gaze met with An Xi's. Immediately, he opened his mouth and revealed a smile.

Was this person stupid? An Xi couldn't help but complain, but her mood suddenly became better.

Yan Hao beckoned to An Xi, who almost without hesitation went downstairs.