Start Acting Cool

Cayley Hotel.

As a five-star hotel, the lowest consumption rate here was over ten thousand.

In the Jiang City, those who could afford to spend here were people with considerable wealth; they were the symbol of status.

At that moment, Yang Hua's group was sitting in the resting area in the lobby.

Lu Chen's appointment was 6: 30 PM. They were all about ten minutes late, but they still didn't see the person who invited them.

"Will Lu Chen let us go?" Xu Chao said impatiently.

Ten minutes ago, he had called Lu Chen, but he had lost his patience.

"I knew Lu Chen was just bragging." Another colleague said, "Ever since he thought he was going to demolish the building, he has been acting tough. He can't change that now."

"This guy must be messing with us!"

"Are you messing with us?" Yang Hua sneered, "If that's the case, then scram tomorrow!"

Wu Mengjie rolled her eyes at him. "Even if you don't want to eat this meal, he has to leave. Otherwise, when he sees you again, he'll get annoyed!"

"Right, right, we will definitely make him scram! I still have the authority to fire a bunch of people. " Yang Hua looked at the time, "Xu Chao, you go outside and take a look. Wait five more minutes, he's not here yet, we're leaving!"


As Yang Hua's trusted aide, Xu Chao walked out eagerly.

Xu Chao was standing outside the door and smoking a cigarette. After finishing his cigarette, he didn't see Lu Chen. Xu Chao was about to enter, but a car stopped at the side of the road and attracted his attention.

The Range Rover won!

The world's limit is 500 cars!

Rich man!

Xu Chao sighed.

The door opened and the driver quickly got out. He then went around to the passenger side and respectfully opened the door.

A young man stepped down.

A T-shirt and jeans.

The rich were all so low-key?

However, when Xu Chao saw the young man's face, he was stunned!

Sis, isn't this Lu Chen?

Wiping his eyes, he confirmed that it was Lu Chen!

What was going on?

Lu Chen actually came in such a luxurious car?

As he was thinking, he saw Lu Chen wave towards the back seat.

The back window rolled down and Yang Hua saw a woman's face!

Because of the light, it was not very clear.

Then, Lu Chen walked towards the door, and the Range Rover sped away.

A thought surfaced in Xu Chao's heart.

A car, a woman.

Did Lu Chen become a gigolo?

But then again, Lu Chen was quite handsome, just that his skin was a bit darker.

Without time to think, Xu Chao went up to greet him.

"Young Master Lu, you're being too rude, aren't you? You want everyone to wait for you for so long? "

"If you don't want to eat, you can leave!" Lu Chen replied with a word.

This was not the usual way to play cards, it made Xu Chao choke heavily.


But he had never come to a five-star hotel to enjoy it!

If he ate this meal, it would be enough for him to boast in his circle of friends for a while.

The two of them walked in.

Everyone thought that Lu Chen was just having dinner in the main hall. They didn't expect him to ask for a big bag.

He really knows how to posture!

Everyone had the same thought in their hearts.

It wasn't convenient for Xu Chao to tell them what he saw just now.

After sitting down in the room, Lu Chen took the menu and started ordering.

No one had ever heard of the names of those dishes before. Hearing that they were all delicacies, it seemed that they were quite expensive.

Now that he thought about it, this was a five-star hotel!

Just the room alone would probably cost more than a thousand yuan, right?

Pretend, continue acting!

Wu Mengjie looked coldly at Lu Chen. She knew what he was capable of.

He had to live with his pride!

Finally, Lu Chen asked the waiter, "How old is Latour?"

"Boss, the earliest one is only the age of 05."

"Then let's have three bottles!"

"Ok, boss, wait a moment!" The waiter went out with the menu.

"Boss, what is Latour?" Xu Chao whispered to Yang Hua beside him.

"It's red wine, very good red wine."

Yang Hua only knew about it and didn't drink it, so he didn't know the price.

Soon, the dishes were served one by one like they were free. Following the waiter's introduction, everyone on the table widened their eyes.

Everyone's heart was thumping. How much did this table cost?

Lu Chen was acting too arrogantly, wasn't he?

Only Xu Chao understood a little.

Everyone looked at Lu Chen, none of them daring to use their chopsticks. What if Lu Chen couldn't pay up?

Lu Chen saw the doubts in everyone's hearts and smiled, "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to afford it. You can eat without worry!"

"Young Master Lu, even if you want our AA system, we can't afford it."

"Young Master Lu, I really didn't bring any money, I even forgot to bring my phone."

"Young Master Lu, don't joke around. We will be in for a bad luck if we are eating an overlord's meal here!"

"If you don't eat it, the food will get cold." As Lu Chen spoke, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

F * * k, the food in a five star hotel is really different!

Lu Chen had never eaten such a good dish in his life before!

In fact, everyone's appetite had been lifted a long time ago. When they saw Lu Chen move his chopsticks, they all stopped being polite.

Even Yang Hua, who was the most elegant, did not care about being gentle as he quickly started to eat heartily.

Although he was a middle-class worker, he had never been to Cayley before.

Only Wu Mengjie had mixed feelings. Lu Chen was so calm and collected. Could it be that he could really afford it?

Impossible, his credit cards had already exploded!

The way they ate was very ugly.

After a gust of wind blew away the clouds, everyone began to burp.

Then, everyone's heart tensed up again as they looked at Lu Chen.

"Pay up!"

Lu Chen snapped his fingers and called out to the waiter at the door.

"Ok, boss, wait a moment!" The waiter quickly left.

Very soon, a manager walked in. He glanced around and then walked in front of Yang Hua.

"Boss, thank you so much for your help. It's all —"

In this room, only Yang Hua was dressed like a rich person.

Yang Hua immediately interrupted him, "I'm not paying the bill, it's him!"

He pointed at Lu Chen.

That manager's mouth twitched, but he still maintained his smile as he walked in front of Lu Chen, "Boss, thank you for your patronage. There's a total of 236,890 yuan. We will remove all the loose ends and only charge you 236,000 yuan." The manager said as he handed the bill to Lu Chen.

Everyone was stunned!

Oh my god, this meal costs two hundred and thirty thousand yuan?

He could even buy a mid-priced car!

Although they had overestimated it previously, they still felt that they had underestimated it when they heard this number.

Yang Hua's face was twitching. Even as a company executive, this was about half a year's salary.

Wu Mengjie stared with her eyes wide open!

She knew that Lu Chen's family still had three hundred thousand yuan in debt!

Under everyone's nervous gazes, Lu Chen took the bill without even looking at it. He threw it on the table, took out a card and handed it to the manager.

"Thank you, boss. Please sign your name at the front desk!"

Lu Chen stood up and followed the manager out.

"Let's go quickly. If Lu Chen can't pay the bill, I'm afraid we can't as well!" Yang Hua yelled.

Thus, everyone rushed out of the room and ran to the entrance of the hotel.

A few minutes later, Lu Chen walked out with his hands in his pockets.

"What? Are you still not leaving? Do you want me to send you back?"

"The money has been paid?" Yang Hua asked in disbelief.

"What do you think?" Lu Chen rolled his eyes at him, "Don't talk about money with me. What this young master needs the most right now is money!"

Lu Chen swept his gaze at Wu Mengjie. The corner of his mouth hooked into a faint sneer!

Wu Mengjie felt a needle prick her chest.

Under the astonished gazes of the crowd, Lu Chen got on a taxi and drove away!

Xu Chao felt that he could now explain to everyone why Lu Chen was rich.