My Brother You're Amazing

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The knocking was urgent and intense, as if it were about to break the door open.

Father Lin stood up and loudly asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Zhang Chunsheng, Uncle Lin. Did the He family come to find Juan?"

A young man's voice sounded.

Father Lin was shocked!

Mother Lin's expression also changed.

Just as he was thinking about how powerful his Zhang Family was, this Zhang Family brat had come knocking on his door, and his voice wasn't friendly at all.

Father Lin quickly said, "Yao, the two of you quickly hide away. Don't let Zhang Chunsheng see you. This brat has an explosive temper!"

Lu Chen stood up and said calmly, "It's just nice that you came. Things have to be solved eventually. Avoiding it is not the solution. "Uncle Lin, please open the door!"

"Aiya, you don't know, but this Zhang Chunsheng is not a good person. If we fight, you guys will definitely suffer. It's better for you to hide first!"