Heaven Tablet

"Let's do it this way. It's simpler. We'll play Za Jin Hua, play a little bit. We'll start with 20 pieces, and we'll seal the top with 100 pieces." Mou Jun said casually.

"Wow, 100 pieces is still small?" We usually get 10 RMB for the top, the rich are the rich! " The surrounding students all flattered him.

"It's that big?" Lu Chen exclaimed in surprise, "Why don't we play 10 RMB to seal the top?"

Lu Chen had a pained expression.

Rann Wei and Zhang Dan looked at each other.

"Brother Shen, you're so good!" Zhang Tine snickered beside Lu Chen's ear like a little fox. She knew Lu Chen did it on purpose. Back in the car, the reward for newbies was 8.88 million yuan!

"10 yuan for my ass! We're all adults! Director Zhou, Li Ming, what do you think?" Seeing Zhang Tine and Lu Chen sticking together, Mou Jun became even more unhappy and gave the two of them a look.