Help Others

Two days later.

Flower City, Fann Group Headquarters.

In the chairman's office, two middle-aged men were puffing out smoke.

They were the second brother of Fan Family, Fan Jiannan, and the fourth sister of Fan Family, Fan Jianbei.

Not long after, the door was pushed open, and a burly man walked in with large strides.

This was the third brother, Fan Jianxi.

Among the four brothers, Fan Jianxi loved to play with women, but he also loved to exercise. In the past, he had even learned martial arts as a disciple, so he could be considered a practitioner.

"Yo, number two, number four, you're here!" "Third Brother Fan," Fan Lao San called out, and then took the cigarette from Fan Lao Er.

"Didn't you say that you heard about Lu Chen's background? That's why Second Bro and I came early." Fan Lao Si said.

Amongst the four brothers, Fan Lao was the fairest, most scholarly one.

"We're overthinking it!" Fan Lao San said casually.