No Taste

After they left, Lu Chen asked Ye Yundan where they were going.

Ye Yundan thought for a moment. "I think it's better to take you to a hotel," she said. If I let you stay at my place, I am afraid I will neglect you as a noble person.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. Perhaps he sensed a bit of danger from her words. Perhaps her intention was not to let her stay in a hotel, but to fear that living in her boudoir would pose a threat to her in some way.

Ye Yundan seemed to have seen through Lu Chen's thoughts as she hurriedly explained, "Don't misunderstand, I really have no other intentions." It's just that I feel that my conditions are poor.

The more she explained, the more suspicious she became.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Then I might as well go home and stay there."

Ye Yundan said, How can you go home when you're drunk? There's a silver chain nearby, and a nice room. Let's go there.