Legend of the Last Century

The Crown Hotel, although starless and classless, was one of the few luxurious hotels in the provincial capital.

To be exact, it was a place for the rich to drink and enjoy themselves! There were all sorts of precious dishes in the hotel. As long as you could think of something, there was nothing they couldn't do! It was said that the senior VIP customers in the hotel could also eat the State Protected Animals.

Therefore, Lu Chen was very surprised about the hotel that Zhuang Shuwen reported. He knew that Zhuang Shuwen came from a noble family and was from a second generation official. However, Lu Chen did not like luxury. He was not very interested in this kind of luxurious life.

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't like to be too..." A hotel that was too luxurious.

Zhuang Shuwen pursed her lips. You don't like roadside stalls do you?

Lu Chen asked: Why not?