Could It be That I've Been Possessed

Lu Chen was a bit suspicious. Hua Jingjing was acting on purpose. If she really left her phone here, why couldn't she find it after so long?

What a fucking weirdo! Lu Chen pondered as he put aside the phone in his hand. He stared at Hua Jingjing and reminded her, "Yes, I did. There was none at all." I can't possibly hide your phone, can I? That is to say, your cell phone may not even be with me.

Hua Jingjing said firmly, I think it must be here! I won't blame you for a phone anyway.

Lu Chen said, Why don't you go to your car and have a look? Maybe in your car.

Hua Jingjing shook her head. I was sitting on the sofa, sitting on the sofa... I suspect that the chances of the phone still falling under the sofa are higher.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said with a little annoyance, "Earlier, you and I both lied on the ground like we were sweeping lightning. We checked them all, there was none at all."