I Am Not Human

You even brought that annoying Bao Shijie to this kind of occasion?

Isn't this way too exaggerated?

However, the shadow that passed by was not Bao Shijie. It was another resident of the same floor. However, this resident looked like Bao Shijie in terms of appearance, outline, and even clothes. As a result, Bao Shijie, who was like a lingering ghost, had once again followed Fu Jie to this place.

Lu Chen thought that he must be in a trance because Bao Shijie had already become a sore spot in his heart. Every time he met Fu Jie, he would think of Bao Shijie.

'Damn it! ' Even though it wasn't as bad as he imagined, and he didn't see Bao Shijie, Lu Chen still cursed in his heart hysterically.

Xiao Hui, who was slouching on the sofa, knocked on the melon seeds. She flicked the skin to the side exaggeratedly. Her eyelids drooped slightly as she glanced at Fu Jie: "Heh, a rare guest, CEO Fu, how do you have the time to come?"