Fear of Being Molested

He answered hesitantly.

A sweet female voice came from the other side: "Brother Lu, it's me."

Lu Chen thought the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. He couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

Brother Lu, you just took me home last night. Don't you remember me now?

Lu Chen was suddenly enlightened. Xiao Hua?

It was Xiao Hua. His full name was Qu Xinghua. The name was easy to remember.

Lu Chen said 'oh'. Xiao Hua, is there something on the phone?

Of course, Xiao Hua emphasized. You kindly escorted me home last night, but I didn't expect you to make things so difficult for my family. Well, I didn't sleep last night. I think I'll make it up to you.

Lu Chen quickly said, "No need, no need."

You have to! Xiao Hua said. I, Qu Xinghua, am not an ungrateful person. What's more, you have suffered because of me, I want to hurt you because of my family … How should he put it? He could make up for it.