Near the Waterfront

"Tch! I'll find you a couple outfit with your clothes, but I changed the little rabbit's image. This way, she'll look more mature and sexy."

Lu Xueyao was very satisfied with her masterpiece. The current Lin Yichun might still have that cute and cute appearance, but due to the matching of her clothes, she was indeed much more mature.

"I don't like this kind of dressing but Xueyao said to go to a place like the underground bar. She needs to dress herself up more mature so that no one will look for trouble."

Lin Chun said honestly because she liked clean and simple makeup, but in order to fit in with an occasion like the underground bar, she listened to Lu Xueyao's suggestion.

"Haha, no matter what you wear, you are a beauty, as long as you are a beauty," Lu Xueyao said. It is inevitable that someone will look for trouble."