Number 062 Domineering

"Not bad! As expected of a five-star restaurant. It's rare for the Defense Division to have such delicious food."

Loong Fei said happily. He thought it was nice to have money. He could have anything he wanted.

While the three of them were enjoying their dinner, Wu Ning brought Hillghost and the others to the entrance of the romantic Paris restaurant.

"Good guy, this kid is quite rich! He actually came to such a place to eat."

Looking at the five shining stars in romantic Paris, Hillghost immediately said somewhat enviously.

What is this? Isn't it just a five-star restaurant? " I eat in this kind of restaurant every day. "

As the boss of Luofu Four Young Masters, Wu Ning was very familiar with this kind of restaurant. After all, even if he didn't have any money, his underlings were rich second generations.

"Haha, Mr. Ning! Of course, who are you? You are the boss of Luofu Region!"