You're My Brother

Loong Fei placed Halesemo in the middle of the group of young men. Loong Fei jumped off the car and arrived in front of the skinny young man.

"Who are you?" Loong Fei asked. "Are you trying to meddle in other people's business?" Loong Fei asked.

Seeing Loong Fei suddenly jump out, the group of young men immediately felt puzzled. They wondered if this kid was a friend of this skinny young man.

Other than the group of young men who were surprised, the skinny young man lying on the ground was even more shocked. Because he never would have thought that under such circumstances, there would actually be someone who would stand out to help him.

"My name is Loong Fei! He is my friend, so I will definitely meddle in today's business!"

It had to be said that although Loong Fei had a sense of justice and disliked those people who bullied others with power, he was not a busybody. After all, he had a mission, so he would not randomly cause trouble for himself.