He Had Two Feet on a Boat

"Hehe, I don't think this guy has any good intentions. It's not up to us to restore the engagement. Loong Fei has to make the decision himself."

Loong Aotian said with a cold smile, but he was in a good mood. After all, it seemed like Du Qiang was begging his daughter to marry his son.

"Mayor Du, are you really going to marry that family? This guy looks so poor, and Mr. Loong looks like a cripple."

Secretary Zhang asked in confusion as he drove. After all, as Du Qiang's driver, he had seen all kinds of people that Du Qiang had made friends with. He had never thought that Du Qiang would have such a brother.

"How could I be related to him? If it wasn't for my daughter asking me to do this," Secretary Zhang said. 'I'm not going to see him!'

Du Qiang said with disdain. He thought that his trip today wasn't in vain. At least, he had seen Loong Aotian's life with his own eyes. He was really poor. No matter what, he could only be a farmer.