He's My Fiancé

"What can I say to you two having such a good time?"

Lin Yichun said lightly but she was very envious of Lu Xueyao in her heart because she felt that as a woman, if she could find a man she loved, it would really be the happiest thing in the world.

"Little rabbit, to be honest, you can't live alone like this. You are already twenty-two years old, it's better to find a boyfriend! " With a boyfriend, you won't be so lonely anymore. "

Lu Xueyao suggested. Although she did not have a boyfriend herself, she had a cheerful personality, so there were no lack of men around her. So it did not matter if she had a boyfriend or not.

But Lin Yichun was different. She had always been alone. Not only did she keep a distance from men, but she also only had Lu Xueyao as her best friend.

"I know, but I have to wait until I meet a man I like!"

Lin Yichun nodded and then said disapprovingly, "Xueyao, don't you also have a boyfriend? Why are you talking about me!"