Powerful Black Hawk

"What? They want you to submit?"

Loong Fei was deeply shocked when he heard Lin Lei's words. He never thought that Black Hawk would let Lin Lei join the organization instead of killing Lin Lei.

"Yes. In three days, those who submit will prosper and those who oppose will die."

Lin Lei nodded slightly. His eyes became unusually complicated. After all, no one would be able to treat him calmly if they were to face such a choice.

"Uncle Lin, what do you think?"

Loong Fei looked at Lin Lei and thought to himself, "Is Black Eagle really that powerful? It could actually force a rich man like Lin Lei into a desperate situation.

"Although I have made a lot of money over the years, and it can be said that I have earned both fame and fortune, I have never forgotten that I am a national defense soldier."

Lin Yichun's complicated gaze gradually became clear. A military temperament was emitted from his body.