You Threaten Me

In front of that man, she only wanted to maintain her image. But Tong Xin, this slut, it's already your honor to have Brother Lan present the award to you, yet you still want to steal the headlines and fall down?

You wait for her!

Tong Xin was like a well-behaved child as she stood in front of the microphone. She was waiting for the host to go through with the process and receive the trophy from the man. She was giving a speech to finish the ceremony.



The man who originally thought that they would meet again, even if he supported her up, did not speak, but when he handed her the trophy, he opened his mouth.

His voice was as pleasant to hear as ever, and as irresistible as ever.

Tong Yingying's heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife as she watched the man offer her a trophy and his other hand in front of her.

That night six years ago, how those big hands had held back her pain and happiness in her struggles. Tong Yingying would never forget the pain he had imprinted on her that night, nor would she forget the nightmare that had forced her to smack her child away.

His hand, though trembling, reached out.

Tong Yingying didn't feel anything when she shook hands with him. It wasn't that she had lost consciousness, but she was numb to the pain.

Ye Lan felt a cold and trembling small hand on his palm. His gaze swept across the scar on the girl's forehead. He didn't know why, but his heart suddenly tightened and he used some strength to hold the girl's hand.

Tong Yingying's pupils constricted. She didn't understand what Ye Lan was doing.

Seeing his ice-cold gaze, Tong Yingying knew that he was looking down on her!

Since that's the case, Ye Lan, don't you think giving her an award is the end of it?

Why did he extend his hand to let her hold it with him!

The devils of the capital, how could you not know that many people in this circle would find it difficult to even see you, much less touch your body?

After withdrawing her hand from the man's palm, Tong Yingying made her acceptance speech.

The confidence in her words and the unforgettable brilliance on her face was like a dazzling light that fell deeply into Ye Lan's eyes.

It had been six years. The girl had transformed!

He didn't know that the girl who had just received the award was crying at the corner of her eyes. Everyone thought that she was grateful, and only she knew that six years had passed. She really didn't expect to see Ye Lan again on her most dazzling day!


"Tong Xin, let's publish this. This time, I won a battle with Luo Qing every three years. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

"Tong Xin, quickly tell me. For the organizers to give you such face and invite Yong Master Ye to give you the award, just publish it!"

The award ceremony was over, and Tong Xin had already given her all of the acceptance speeches. However, when she came out, she frowned in the face of the media's aggressive questioning.

The security guards had protected her well, and Tong Xin knew that they wouldn't let go until she gave them a word.

"Everyone, I've already released the acceptance speech for the award. If there are any more questions, please pay attention to my studio's Weibo. As for the important person invited by the host, I deeply appreciate the honor!"

As for the official courtesy, in the entertainment circle for three years, Tong Yingying had been accurate and would not let the media find any openings!

Everyone wanted to continue to push Tong Xin forward, but they only saw her waving the trophy in her hand with a gentle smile. "Everyone, can you give me some time to share my joy with the person closest to me?"

Only now did the media realize that Run Xiao, Tong Xin's manager, who had a gold medal in entertainment, was not here? Tong Xin didn't answer directly. Instead, she saluted to the media and left through the exit.

The smile on Tong Yingying's face was indescribably blissful. The person she was closest to wasn't Run Xiao, who hadn't accompanied her to the media, but the man who had despaired the most in her life and would never abandon her.

Whenever she thought of his face, Tong Yingying would fall into a state of intoxication and silence, oblivious to the fact that there were already a few extremely vicious people waiting for her when she wanted to safely leave her own car!

And behind them walked Luo Qing, who had a lovely figure and felt that she had to win the award today.

The corner of Tong Yingying's mouth curled up slightly. "Senior, you're still here?"

Luo Qing hated Tong Xin the most. No matter if it was on the surface or in private, she called her senior, which made her always the same. She was clearly three years younger than Tong Xin!

"Tong Xin, you slut, stop pretending in front of me like you did in the media. Do you really think you're the female lead this time around?"

Tong Xin didn't understand, but her momentum wouldn't subside.

"Senior, if you have any questions, you can ask the host or ask them about your relationship with them. Honestly speaking, senior, I am also very surprised to receive an award, but I am honored to be fair with the host!"

"Tong Xin, you slut, are you saying that I don't have any acting skills left?"

Tong Xin didn't say that, but Luo Qing believing it had nothing to do with her.

"Tong Xin, you b * tch, you sure are showing off your strength today. "There's a man hiding behind your back. Only a man can have this day. Then, I realized that the one giving you the award is Brother Lan. Tong Xin, aren't you afraid that the man behind you would throw himself in front of Brother Lan on purpose?"

Brother Lan...

Hearing Luo Qing's disdain for this little maze girl, it turned out that Luo Qing had the support of her Ye's behind her back.

Tong Xin, stop pretending in front of me, you were deliberately wrestling in front of Brother Lan, and you were even supported by Brother Lan. Tong Xin, you're so disgusting, this award was originally mine, and Brother Lan was the one who gave it to me.

Tong Xin thought it was laughable, but Luo Qing vented all the frustration she had today on her head.

Tong Xin reminded him, "Senior, I know you are unhappy about this. Although it is a little depressing to miss the movie, Senior, you are also the No.1 Entertainment Lady, and you brought a group of people to block me in this passage. Senior, it would not be good if we were caught by the media!"

Luo Qing stamped her feet, her exquisite makeup already starting to distort. "Tong Xin, you're threatening me?"