Her Favorite Man

The man's gaze instantly turned cold. Wang Rann raised his knife and knocked the three people out, then he handed the trophy that Luo Qing left to Ye Lan.

In that instant, he did not know how to deal with it!

Out of the corner of his eye, he secretly sized up the girl who had been in the heat for only six years!

Tong Yingying, you don't seem to want to let go!?

She didn't want to get close to Ye Lan, not even a bit. However, she didn't expect that she would be standing in the corner of the garage, in the direction of the underground tunnel. In order to protect herself, there was a protective bar at the back, so she, who wasn't wearing shoes, wanted to push him away, but in the end …

Ye Lan almost hugged her waist again. Under her shock, the man gave her the princess' hug without even using any strength!

He was very tall, and apart from a slight chill, he smelled especially good!

Panicking, she subconsciously wrapped her arms around the man's neck.

Their eyes met in this way, but they also moved away in the blink of an eye.

She was like a rabbit that had been stirred up by this Wang Wei. She would freeze up and not dare to move!

She watched as the man carried her to a place where she wouldn't fall no matter how she tried to push him away!

Tong Yingying didn't say anything. In front of him, she couldn't even say a word, even if she didn't mind and bumped into him like a deer.

After the man put her down, he didn't leave. Tong Yingying didn't know what else to say to him.

She closed her eyes and tried to adjust her breathing, but when she opened them, the man was bent over, crouching, one big hand at her ankles, the other brushing the dust from the soles of her feet with his palm, which never touched a woman's body, which held the power of life and death.

Tong Yingying just looked at him like that. He was still a noble king, still a demon that kept silent and cold to the end.

A tear fell from the corner of his eye.

Tong Yingying slightly clenched her hand, which was resting on the edge of her skirt. She really wanted to ask: "Ye Lan, what are you doing?"

Even if he was a gentleman, after saving a lady, he didn't need to squat down and help her put on her shoes!

Ye Lan, it's been six years. The next time we meet, she's very helpless, but the next time we meet, she's in even more pain!

It was as if the man before her was the same person she had experienced for six years. She had changed. He … It changed too!

"Take your things!"

Tong Yingying did not know how she had matched up with Ye Lan in putting on his shoes, or how she had received the trophy.

She was like a log, crying, standing there stupidly, her lips trembling!

After doing so many things, he still remained silent. When Wang Rann opened the car door and respectfully invited him in, he turned around and got into the car under her blurry gaze. Then, she froze on the spot as she watched him let Wang Rann drive out of the garage!

Just like six years ago …

Hehe …

Tong Yingying, ah, Tong Yingying, what's wrong with you?

Didn't you clearly see that man's cruelty?

It's been six years and you've already let it go, haven't you?

But his heart truly hurt!

At that moment, a diamond bracelet on his wrist vibrated.

Tong Yingying quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and asked, "Madam, where are you?"

This bracelet was given to her by the man whom Tong Yingying loved the most in her life. The man had said that her cell phone was almost always with the assistant, and whenever he wanted to find her, he had to design this bracelet through the assistant to make it easy for her to talk to her at any time. Although the person rarely called her on this watch, it always made her happy and happy.

No matter what happened, as long as that person was by her side, she wouldn't be afraid of anything, nor would she care about anything!

She called her aunt and told her that she would be there soon. Tong Yingying quickly found her car and drove out.

She didn't know that on the side of the road, Master Ba Sha had nearly crashed into her.

Wang Rann looked through the rearview mirror and didn't dare to look at the man who looked like a king of the night.

He lowered his head, wanting to remind Tong Yingying that she should be fine. The man then said, "Let's go!"

Wang Rann did not dare to have any objections. He turned the car around and sped away with Tong Yingying!


City S, under the night sky, a Catholic church under the neon light shows the magnificent and respectable faith.

After parking the car, Tong Yingying checked her makeup in the rearview mirror. Luckily, there was no makeup on, so she tidied up the black evening dress that she wore for that person.

Looking at the trophy in her hand, Tong Yingying really wanted to share it with that guy!

The door in front of her opened up for her to see the light and waved. Tong Yingying started to walk, and the first step she took was to walk quickly!

She wanted to see that person in the next moment!

Just as she was about to step through the door, she heard a song from a violin that she wouldn't get tired of even listening to.

Beethoven's "Alice", the beautiful melody and the emotion from her master's beating, was just like a cup of milk shaking Tong Yingying's body and mind.

The moment of impatience was smoothed out by the tune.

She slowly moved her feet, and with a moving smile on her face, she slowly walked in, looking at the surface that looked like a gentleman's prince … Little boy!

The little boy's face was very delicate, like a Barbie doll. His skin was especially white, and although his hands were a little chubby as they played with the violin, his expression and the two rows of shadows under his eyelids did not fail to express his nobility and calmness.

The beautiful melody made Tong Yingying see that it wasn't the little boy's skillful zither skills, but rather that no matter how the little boy's performance was disturbed, he was like a dazzling star amidst the noise, quietly comforting everything around him.

Tong Yingying found a seat and sat down. She put her hands together inside the Catholic church and listened to the little boy's beautiful violin as she silently prayed.

After six years, her Little Yu was finally safe and sound.

With the end of the song, the first one to open his eyes was the little boy. His black eyes were like the stars, possessing wisdom and silence that did not belong to his age.

He opened his eyes and immediately looked at the woman who was praying. The cute face of the little boy, who was like a doll, slightly changed.

Tong Yingying opened her eyes and carefully ran to the boy. She knelt down and handed the medal to him.

"Little Yu, Mama won the movie today. Little Yu, are you happy for Mama?"

The little boy's facial features were expressionless. His silence could even be said to be extremely cold.