It Got in My Way

"Luo Shumo, you really think of yourself as the wife of Fu Family?" The man's cold words came out from the corner of his mouth, carrying a cold and bone-piercing sharpness.

Luo Shumo's expression stiffened slightly. She lowered her eyes and pursed her lips, pulling Liu Yun's wrist as she prepared to leave.

Looking at Fu Yuchen's confused expression, Liu Yun thought of the scene just now which was not good to be seen by this man, rolled her eyes, went up to him and was about to touch him, looked at him with a flattering smile, and said, "Yuchen, it was this receptionist who spoke rudely to my county, that's why I'm so angry."

This kind of conceited attitude made people look down on her. Luo Shumo inwardly sighed at Liu Yun's IQ, but since she had already said so, there was no point in saying anything more.

She looked coldly at Fu Yuchen, bit her lips and said, "Sorry, I got in your way."