Become Angry from Embarrassment

The more interesting her words were, the more satisfied the judges would be. On the contrary, Bai Ling felt even more angry and disgusted.

As the end approached, Bai Ling could no longer sit still and rushed to the main podium. She had a phrase that could be used to describe how angry she was.

If she didn't move, the outcome of the judges would be out. She wouldn't allow that to happen, so why should Luo Shumo fight with her over it?

Fu Yuchen sat there calmly without any reaction. This made Bai Ling very angry. He didn't care about this project at all.

This was a large-scale project, and Bai Ling didn't believe Fu Yuchen would be so unconcerned about it. That was why she came up.

The moment Bai Ling went up, the whole venue quieted down. Everyone was looking at the two people on the stage as if they were watching a good show.