Total Absence of Interest

As men, they always liked women who were different from others. They would feel that such a woman was much more exciting.

"Beauty, I'm not from any department. I just came to the company to discuss business. How about it? Are you interested in going to work at my company? " The real estate boss went straight to the point.

Luo Yuxin thought it was someone. She thought it was an employee from that department of the company. When she thought about it, she realized it was a colleague whom she had tolerated a moment ago.

Unexpectedly, he was not a person of the company, so there was no need for him to keep his face. He had brought it upon himself.

"Yo, it's the CEO of another company. It's really nice to meet you. I'm pretty good at this company and my salary is also very high for a month. I don't want to change companies." Luo Yuxin charmingly said, her face full of a charming smile.