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The cut was deep, and scalding blood gushed out onto the bed.

Throwing the glass blade in her hand onto the ground, Luo Yuxin let out a sad smile.

At this moment, the door was opened. Luo Yuxin opened her eyes and saw Cheng Hao standing at the door. His eyes were blazing with fire.

She couldn't help but shiver. She didn't know what Cheng Hao would do.

Cheng Hao saw the blood on the floor from the person on the bed. She actually dared to commit suicide.

"Slut." With just that one sentence, Cheng Hao walked over in big strides.

He grabbed Luo Yuxin's hair from the bed and pulled her hair to pull her down to the ground. He then gave her a few slaps.

"If you want to die, then I'll let you live a life worse than death." His mouth was filled with venomous words.

Luo Yuxin did not reply because she had been stunned by the slap. Her face had swelled up from the forceful slap.