Keep Distance

This was the difference between a good person and a bad person. No matter how cold and indifferent Luo Shumo appeared in front of him, she was still kind to him.

I still can't bear to see him sad. If it were someone else, they wouldn't ask about his feelings, and even more so, they wouldn't blame themselves.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing that he didn't say anything for a long time, Luo Shumo couldn't help but ask with concern.

"It's fine, it hurts." Fu Yuchen said calmly that he was in pain.

"What's wrong with you? I'll call a doctor for you. Wait a moment." Luo Shumo was extremely worried.

"I'm fine, don't go. I'll be fine after a short rest. Besides, doctors can't cure me, so my heart hurts." Fu Yuchen looked into her eyes seriously.

What else could Luo Shumo say? He had already said that, but she was unable to give him any response. Looking at his pale face still made her heart ache.