No Women

Gong Shaochen was a very gentle person, but in some ways, he was also a very decisive person.

His wallet wouldn't disappear for no reason. Since someone dared to steal his things, it was simply courting death.

The key point was to make him lose face at the bar. If it wasn't for Tong Tong's appearance that saved his life and helped him pay, the media would have found out about the incident that happened in the end.

The assistant quickly sent the money over. It only took a few minutes because this hotel was a chain and he had his share.

The assistant got the hotel manager to send some of the money over, but he didn't come because Gong Shaochen told him to find his wallet.

It belonged to him. Whoever stole it would be able to create it for him. Otherwise, it wouldn't be an easy matter to solve.