
After searching all over the city, he finally obtained a general location. Gong Shaochen was looking for someone here. If he couldn't find Gong Shaochen, he wouldn't be able to calm down, so he personally came here.

Cheng Hao never thought that this woman was fake. He thought that he got her heart and property, and was extremely happy.

Luo Yuxin was playing around everywhere and was extremely happy. She wanted to escape very much, but how could she do so? She was too strict with herself.

"Cheng Hao, let's find a place to stay. We'll be in trouble if Gong Shaochen comes looking for us." Luo Yuxin was looking for a place to escape.

"All right. I'll take you to a very exciting place. " Cheng Hao naturally listened to her. This woman was a potential customer.

He was still very good to her before the money was in his hands.

In the corner of the city, there is a hotel. The style of the hotel is fashionable. Here, you can see a lot of dressing up.