Money Can Make a Fool of Itself

When people are happy, it is the happiest time for them to have beautiful dreams.

Thinking about the success of her plan, Luo Yuxin was overjoyed. As long as all the people she wanted died, then she would succeed.

After she succeeded, she would use Fu Yuchen or Gong Shaochen. To her, Cheng Hao posed no threat at all.

The idea was good, but what should he do? He had to properly plan it out.

Luo Shumo knew nothing of this.

She worked well every day, and sometimes Gong Shaochen would come to accompany her. Seeing his gentleness, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

The guilt towards him would be deeper, and she still hoped that he wouldn't be too good to her every time.

Sometimes, she was really annoyed when Fu Yuchen called her right after she rejected his invitation.

She didn't want to offend either of these two men.

Her daily life could still be considered repeating itself, but this was not what she had hoped for.