Divorce Is Impossible

Tong Tong thought very simply. Since she didn't love him anymore and felt so sad, then she might as well part ways. After she left, she would bring the person along with her.

Isn't it just your house? She doesn't care about it at all. Hmph, it's not like she can't afford it.

Those big eyes, he really wanted to stare Fu Yuchen to death.

The person holding her, Gong Shaochen saw that the person in the room didn't have the smell of gunpowder at all, only his precious wife couldn't see it. He sighed in his heart.

"Wife, let's go back. They can settle their own matters." Gong Shaochen only wished to bring her away, "Shumo knows about your good intentions, but we can't help you with matters of the heart."

After thinking about it carefully, Luo Shumo was still as persistent as ever. She loved the man in front of her.