Roman's Household

Roman and Roby, two brothers who were lost for a decades and four years, are leaving Strand Park, both of them need to go to the same place they live, and that is on a block that is neighbouring a well-known store for selling construction materials, Dedeman. Now, on a block also lived Robert, but he later moved from there when his father bought a new apartment near the Campus of Students who are attending University of Pitesti (UPIT for short). Roby decided to come along with Roman because he needs to do something there.

As they got inside the bus number two, paying with their credit cards (yes, both of them haven't made their subscription for transportation since they are high schoolers), take their free seats, near each other to the window. Roman sit near the window, and Roby sit near to Roman.

When the bus starts going away from the station, Roby is looking at Roman, he seems a little tense by this.

"Are you okay?" asks Roby to his lost brother.

"Yes. I am fine." says Roman.

"You don't seem like it." says Roby observing Roman is moving its left leg in a fast move, meaning he is feeling a little agitated.

After a while, the bus stopped in front of station for Roman and Roby to get off. The two people leave the bus, they take the cross-walk to the other side and walk toward the house of where Roman is living. Roby told Roman he is visiting a person who is living on the same building as he is. The two depart ways when they've arrived at the second floor, where Roby continued to go further upstairs where the person was waiting for him.

Roman enters his apartment, he closes the door after himself, and before he will be about to head to his room, on front of his door there is her mother, who is looking angry, and holds her wooden spoon on a hard grasp.

"Where have you been?"

"O-Outside." says Roman feeling scared, not brave enough to look into its adoptive mother eyes.

"Where? With whom?"

"W-W-With my friends."

"Friends?" asks mother curios. "You don't have friends. They are not your friends. And whom they are? Classmates?"

"More than that."

"My sweet child… You are abused by strangers." she says in an uncomfortable way to Roman, she holds his head with both of her greasy arms, and she says with a creepy smile. "These people. Whom you think they are your brothers and sisters, are fake. Fakes to take you away from me."


"No, buts my child." says Roman's adoptive mother, holding her stronger to its face, making Roman feel more uncomfortable. "You are a special kid. A special kid I've taken into my care. From that place."

She looks on the eyes of Roman. She tells him things that would change a human nature of thinking. After while, she was talking nonsense for two minutes, a knock can be heard from door. Roman let her mother go to the door, only to open it and find Roby, who has come holding a wallet who fell on the staircase.

"Hello, um." says Roby a bit surprised by the looks of Roman adoptive mother, who is fat, blonde and dressed in a normal clothing a mother would wear. "Are you Roman mother?"

"His wallet!" says the mother shocked, she takes it and looks inside of it. "You've stolen its money!"

"What? No. I- "tries Roby to say, but the mother closes the door on its nose.

The adoptive mother of Roby, is angry, and she was about to call the police to report it to Roby, but Roman stopped her, telling her about the meeting he had with his friends on this day. The mother looked at him pissed, she smacks him and tells him an angry tone.

"Stop going out with these strange people! They only want to hurt you! Just like all of your said friends did."

Roman was always bullied in the primary and gymnasium, even on a kindergarten for a while by a single person. He was a kid who wasn't very sociable like other kids from its class. He always ended up alone, eating alone in class, play games alone on its phone or his Nintendo, looking at books and comics, and mostly going to at home by himself. He was always ridiculed by his classmates who would always call him "Fat", "Stinky" and such a mean name to him. At his high's school, everything is a less different, he is not bullied nor ridiculed by his classmates like he used to, now he has friends who are accepting him as who is he.

"Mom. Stop." says Roman to her mother as she was about to pick her phone to call 112. "My friends are not like them. They not call me mean names. They o not pick fight on me. They are not pushing me to the stairs. They do not throw cardboard milk to me. They are my brothers and sister!" he has takes deep breath, and he tells something who is making her adoptive mother looks angry at him. "Stop controlling my life! You don't even know me!"

"How dare you?" asks her mother angrily after a few seconds. "I am your mother. And I am the one who raised you better than that dead mother of yours!" she said angrily at Roman.

"Don't you talk that way about my mother!" says Roman angry.

"Your mother was a bitch! And her kids are monsters!"

"So, I am also a monster to you?!"

"No! You are my son!" she said to him after she slapped again its face, this time it was so hard, it made Roman stumble on its feet, and fall on the floor. "Monday I'll talk with the Principal to transfer you to another school."

"Mom, don't!"

"I am doing a favour. I want you to not be ridiculed by people like this!"

Roman did not say anything because her mother goes inside of her room, locked her door, and she starts crying and sobbing so hard, it could be heard from the room where Roman was trying to get up on its feet, slowly. Roby, who was still on this scene and heard everything, he slowly opens it door and as he was about to say something, Roman says to him.

"Thank you. And please, leave me alone."

"Roman…" says Roby worried on his brother case. "Can we talk about it?"

Roman did not answer to this, so Roby, closes the door and leaves Roman alone to deal with his adoptive mother. He heard everything and he thinks of a way to tell Robert and Ramona about this problem of Roman. He thinks the mother is not normal on her head.

On the Roman mother room, she stays on her bed, crying and muttering words like "kill them!". "kill", "murder", "bury their bodies". The mother of Roman is thinking to make these people never see each other again.