Combat Training

Both snide and Exavier stood up, took their bath and gathered together with Dazeer in the battle arena where the other young men stood silently.

Attrius walked forward to address the young men, " You children have been brought here to train and become warriors, the more you train the more powerful you become".

The young men were given different type of weapons swords, axes and so on. after 10 minute of weapon selection, the young men gathered in a straight line.

Two other general arrived at the Battle arena, Different young men were instructed to battle. After each of them had fought, the generals will analize their weakness, strength and also skills.

This will make training them a lot more easier. Exavier was called up to face Dazeer. Dazeer was shocked to here this but smirked in agreement.

Exavier's face turned into a frown and also a smile, ever since he saw Dazeer he had wanted to battle him. Dazeer stepped forward and picked up a Quiver.

"Wait a sec are you really going to face me with bow and arrows.". Exavier uttered sarcastically.

"Do you have a problem with arrows?" Dazeer asked.

"No I don't." ,

"If not then stop whining and let get this over with."

A bell was rung and Exavier charged forward like a car with no brakes. Dazeer just smirked, stood firm and held his bow in a firm grip. Exavier's sword swung forward for an attack but was stopped easily by Dazeer using his right leg to pin the sword to the ground.

A left elbow attack landed on exavier's face making him tumble to the ground. His swords lying in different directions. Attrius and "Villar", one of the two generals looked at each other and said "looks like we were right, this boy his weak".

Exavier heard this and stoop up, Dazeer brought out three arrows and shot them all at ones, exavier ran forward dodging every arrow.

Dazeer launched different arrows trying to land a consecutive attack, but each attack was deflected. The crowd went wild, they all screamed happily shouting exavier's name.

Attrius and the other generals were shocked but Attrius was the only one smiling. Exavier was getting even more closer and Dazeer was running out of arrows.

Exavier leaped up, brought out a chain hidden at the side of his uniform. Every one was always wondering why exavier wears that battle armor. Now they realized he keeps secret weapons in each side of the armor. He could have use it in his battle with " Byder" , but he wasn't sure if it was legal at that situation or not.

Exavier lashed the chain forward smacking the bow out of Dazeer's hand.

A punched landed on his face making him fall. The impact of Dazeer falling made the whole ground shake, at least that was what everyone thought.

A warrior ran up to meet Attrius, he struggled to catch his breath before saying " sir, we are under attack".

"What?!". Attrius beamed in disbelief.