Friend Or Foe

"Void", Exavier repeated trying to analyze the situation.

          "Wait do you mean he is the guy named Void." Exavier asked in shock

         "Yes he is." Zonic replied

         "Well well well, if it isn't my old friend  Zonic.".


       Void released a powerful blast straight at Exavier but Zonic saved him within second,  he stood firmly and looked at void in a disgusted way.

        "Void what are you doing.", Zonic asked


          "I don't have to answer any of your questions

" void replied staring at Exavier

        "This guy looks creepy." Exavier uttered stepping backwards

        "Stay back for a sec kid, and don't look at his eyes."

        "And why is that."

       "I can't answer that question right now, just do what I told you to do."

         Zonic grabbed Six of his teleporting spikes and threw it in different directions, each spikes multiplied three times.


       Void stood firm staring at his two opponents.

       "Are you really going to fight me Zonic", Void uttered.

        Void was a very dangerous Valmorian Warrior, he posses a powerful Eye called the Dark Void. His eyes has the ability to hypnotize and manipulate His enemies mind tearing them apart inside out, it also makes them see illusions which makes his opponents lose their minds. The eye also allows him to predict attacks before  his opponents even attempts it.

      Although every Valmorian Warriors are powered by Soul energy, Voids powers is channeled by a different power source called the Demon Energy.

This power source is also from planet Vilmore, but it was only used by few of the Valmorian inhabitants due to the fact that it can only be unlocked by emotional  trauma, either anger, sadness, jealousy and other strong emotions.

       The power of the Demon Energy Is unpredictable, the more the wielder's trauma increases the powerful he or she becomes. The Dark Void has a primary ability which is called the black flame, this fire is an everlasting flame, apart from that, the fire burns everything it touches till it becomes nothing.

         Void can also use his soul energy as a backup energy source just like his ancestors and comrades, but unfortunately he is the last of his kind.

        "I will if I have to.", Zonic replied looking really determined.

  Zonic's body began to flow with lightning bolts sparking round his body with a powerful blue aura flowing round him.

      Void just smirked and stared even more. Zonic got uneasy and charged at the confident looking man.

      Within seconds Zonic's arm was directed straight at Voids face, his fist was four feet away from voids face, but void just stood there staring.

       Before Zonic could punched him, void evaded the attack and countered by landing a Demon energized punch sending Zonic flying, before Zonic could fall he teleported behind void and tried to attack him from behind this time but the results was the same, he was sent flying again.

      Zonic continued teleporting and attacking from different angles but void countered each and every one of them. Exavier got even scared.


      "This guy is so strong, how can we defeat him", Exavier thought to himself.

         Zonic continued is failing attacks over and over again, the same counter attack sent him flying each time. Exavier got angry and yelled at him "What are you doing, you are gaining a lot of damage while he doesn't even have a scratch on him."

       Zonic yelled back "Shut your trap kid."

       Exavier was shocked to hear him say that, Zonic looked really serious, even when he was loosing.

       Zonic rushed one more time and attacked but void grabbed him by his neck and punched him straight forward making him hit his back at the wall.

     Zonic looked exausted, he struggled to stand up, cleaning the little blood running out of his nose.

      "Immediately you attacked me, your destiny as been revealed to me, you can never win", void uttered staring at the bleeding man.

     "No one decides my destiny or any one else's.", Zonic said standing up

     Void looked shocked for a second but he comforted himself and grinned mischievously.

     "No one has the right to decide my destiny, 'cause every one makes their own destiny.", Zonic repeated and added.

      Unknown to Void, each attack Zonic throwed at him wasn't meant to hit him directly, it was meant to be a trap.

      Zonic placed his spikes round void In a star formation. Immediately he stood up he channeled his lightening energy making the spikes charge up and strikes void continuously.

     Void yelled in pain, after a while the lightening did it damage and void was kneeling on down facing the ground.

       "I don't believe this is void", Zonic uttered facing Exavier

before returning his eyes to a kneeling void.

      "What do you mean?", Exavier replied walking towards Zonic.

       "Somethings wrong, void can never attack his comrades."

      "Really, I thought of that as well, if he is your friend like you said he is he won't attack us like that. But anyways,"

      Zonic walked towards void and tried to touch him on the shoulder, before he could place his arm, he was repelled back wards by an unseen force.

      Exavier looked at his side and saw Vicashi in the shadows. Vicashi slowly walks Forward staring at Exavier.

      "Now I get it, you are controlling him somehow." Zonic uttered

in disgust.

      "Isn't it obvious, and I thought you are smart man.", Vicashi said looking at void

       Void slowly stood up, he stared at Zonic and Exavier looking at them from head to toe before saying, "How about round two."

     Void charged at them both, he pointed his fist at Exavier but it was blocked by Zonic. Zonic delivered a right kick to Void side but void grabbed his legs and swung him towards the wall.

    Exavier had no choice but to fight and protect himself, he ran towards void trying to deliver a fire energizes punch, Void bent over and landed an uppercut making Exavier stagger. He walked towards the scared boy confidently.

      In a split second Zonic teleport in front of him and blasted lightening bolts at him which repelled void towards a wall.

      There was a room in the bunker, Zonic gestures Exavier to go in there to hide.

Exavier did as he was told and ran into the room, but Vicashi followed.

       Zonic and void were left alone to fight each other. Exavier stood behind a chest trying to hide himself from Vicashi.

       Vicashi walked around the room, he looked really calm. It was like he knew where Exavier was hiding.

      He got closer to the chest, Exavier felt his presence and bent over even more. Vicashi smirked and levitated Exavier upwards.

      Exavier was pinned in the air, he struggled to break free but couldn't, this attempt made Vicashi laugh loudly making Exavier furious.

       The chest which Exavier used to hide from Vicashi suddenly opened. A blade

sprung out of the chest and went straight towards Vicashi.

      Vicashi dodged the sword but it made him release his telekinesis. Exavier fell down instantly. The blade flew towards Exavier and fell in front of him.

     Exavier looked confused, he stared at it for a while, Vicashi slowly walked towards Exavier while he was still staring. Exavier noticed this and quickly picked up the blade and pointed it towards his enemy.

     Vicashi stared at Exavier and said, "what type of sword is that."

    "How about we find out.", Exavier replied charging at Vicashi

     Vicashi wasn't a man that battle close range, he doesn't like to get his hands dirty like he normally says, so he battles within a long range. That's why he uses his telekinesis  a lot.

     Vicashi kept dodging and stepping backwards to evade exavier's attacks, each attempt makes the blade glow brighter.

    Exavier didn't notice this change so he kept attacking. His fist finally located Vicashi's face, he punched his opponent really hard that it sent him tumbling.

     Exavier's fist was surprisingly glowing, so did the blade. Exavier finally realized his powers were connected with the blade, or otherwise.

      Vicashi levitated Exavier upwards and pushed him towards the wall pinning him Instantly. He slowly walked towards Exavier looking at him in a disgusted way.

      Meanwhile Void and Zonic's battle became even more rough and destructive. Zonic landed a lightening energized roundhouse  kick making Void stagger, he blasted Void with a powerful lightening blast but void blocked with his fist which was flowing with black flames.

      The energy's  took each other out, void and Zonic stared at each other. Voids eyes began to change in a confusing kind of way. Zonic was caught in his trap since they began the battle.

     Zonic wasn't fighting with the real void, it was just an illusion, void released the hypnosis and Zonic finally realized what was really going on.


      Zonic was feeling a little exhausted while void was calm and full of energy. Void's eyes turned into a different pattern which made black flames surround the whole room.

     The flames will burn every thing it touches till it's nothing. Zonic was frightened his spikes can only be effective within a large area, but the flames is closing on them both.

    Void smirked, his fist was covered with black flames. He could sense Zonic's next move, Zonic launched himself forward clenching his fist to land a blow. Void did the same and they both launched towards each other like bullets about to collide.

      Their fist was about to touch each other but Zonic teleported instantly and appeared behind void, this was the perfect opportunity to land a consecutive blow, but void knew where he would be before he tried it and dodged the attack countering with a black flame energized punch sending Zonic flying upwards.

     Void leaped up and smashed Zonic down to the ground, the black flames started spreading round Zonic's body burning him from behind.

    Void stood there watching the scene and smirking.

     Exavier felt the pain Zonic was in instantly, his eyes shun brightly . The sword flew forward and the pierced Vicashi in the chest.

    Vicashi slowly looked at the sword and smirked. The sword shun even brighter, Vicashi felt the change and the burn, the blade kept burning his chest inside out.

    Exavier walked towards him slowly, he removed the sword from Vicashi's chest and pierced it into the ground, this created a shockwave so powerful that it destroyed the bunker and blasted both void and Vicashi away.

     The dark flame was estinguished and Zonic was safe. Vicashi and Void slowly stood up. They were amazed to see Exavier walking confidently towards them surrounded by a gold bright aura.

          "I will end you both Myself, you have had your fun, now it my turn!!"
