Captured And Escape

"What are we gonna do", Exavier yelled. Zonic's ship was being attacked by multiple mini ships. These ships were packed with destructive gun power hitting the ship and damaging most of it's interior engines.

        "looks like they don't want us to get to that planet", Exavier uttered

      "That's because void and Kylie are being held captive in that planet", Zone replied trying to get rid of the ships

      "Not really, Kylie or whatever is the one held captive, void is helping Vicashi, remember"

     "Shut it kid, he's not"

     "Okay okay fine, jeez!"

      Zonic had managed to destroy most of the ships, bit it affected his ship. The ship warned him it was in 15% engine power.

      One more powerful blast an they will be stranded in space or maybe  blown to bits.

       Exavier got a careless idea, he opened a hatch in the ship and decided to destroy the robots himself. Obviously the robots will be now focused on him so Zonic will have the chance to get out of there. 

      Exavier's eyes shun brightly, his palm was covered in flames. He could feel the destructive power of his flames flowing through his body.

      Exavier smirked and blasted a powerful flame blast. This attack was so powerful that it created a shockwave that destroyed every single mini ship in sight.

      Zonic was amazed, he turned the ship on to auto pilot an went to meet Exavier.

     " Hey kid", Zonic uttered touching exavier's shoulder.


      "Am sure you will be wandering how you got this power right"


      "How about I explain it to you"


      "That will be great"

      "I come from a planet called Vilmore, it was a planet inhabited by powerful warriors that posses incredible abilities, each warrior had an ability that makes them different from the others. Our planet was attacked by a Man call Vandine, he was determined to destroy our planet and drain out our soul energy. Our warriors fought bravely but it wasn't enough to defeat Vandine, he destroyed our planet, but some of the inhabitants managed to escape"

      "So you are part of them right", Exavier asked out of curiosity.

      "Yes I am, To finally have the power to destroy this universe, Vandine needed a power so immense that it could destroy half a universe. And that's a soul beast"

     "Woah, that's dope", Exavier said enjoying the tale

      "Before Vandine ever came to Vilmore, a man had sealed the seven soul beasts into a young boy and sent him to an undisclosed location where no one could find him"

      "Is that what Vandine is looking for now"

     "Am afraid yes, and he has already found the child"

     "What!, who is this child anyway"

     "It's you Exavier!"

     "What!", Exavier yelled in disbelief

      "It can't be me"

      "It is you, haven't you ever felt a strange presence in your soul"

     "Uhm!, now that you mentioned it, I did , back on Earth, and also when we fought Void and Vicashi in the bunker"

     "That's only little of what you can do, you have only awakened one of your soul beast, to become as strong as Vandine, you must awaken all your seven soul beast and also be able to control their immense soul energy"

    "Uhm!, that's gonna be a problem"

     "It's not, because the only person smart, experience and powerful  enough to train you is Aviarrus"

   "Wait what!, If that's true why can't you let him train me back in planet Aramantia"

   " Because I need you to help me get my friends back"

      "Okay fine, but after that, we are headed straight to Aramantia"


     Exavier looked calm but deep down he was terrified, he couldn't believe he was the person needed to destroy the universe. Everything Zonic told him was terrifying and he realized there is more to the story that Zonic doesn't want to mention.


               * Planet Jirenshy *

         The ship landed In an hidden area in the jungle. Zonic doesn't want to be spotted, he knew the planet would be surrounded by demons, so he was on his guard.

         Exavier and Zonic sneaked around the jungle to find the area where Kylie was being held.

         Later on, Exavier noticed multiple demons surrounding a particular area. He alerted Zonic instantly, Zonic was confused.

      "What are they guarding", Zonic said to himself staring at the scenery

      "Oh come on!, I thought aliens are supposed to be smart, there's something there you dimwit"

     "Hey what's with the insults"

     "Sorry about that, just got a little cranky"

     "Keep that in check dude"

      "If they are guarding something, then where is it", Zonic asked

     "Uhm!, don't know"

      "Now who's dum" Zonic uttered smiling

     "Hey", Exavier uttered finally realizing he was insulted

      "If void was here he would have Seen what they are guarding within seconds"

      "Seen, that's it, you are a genius"


     "Yh, I just figured it out, it's invisible"

      "Oh! yh!, That means it is an illusion", Zonic said smiling

        "Wait a minute, if it's an illusion, and the only person who can do that is void, don't you think this was a trap"

      "Oh no!", Zonic uttered looking scared

       Zonic and Exavier gets blasted by a powerful energy that knocked  them both out, making them unconscious.

        Void slowly walked out of the shadows and smirked.

       Later on, Exavier and Zonic slowly opened their eyes, they were stunned  to see themselves in a cell.

     "Hey there, long time no see Zonic", A voice echoed beside them both.

     Zonic and Exavier slowly looked at the Mysterious figure. Immediately Zonic saw the figure clearly, he yelled out "Kylie"

      "Kylie", Exavier repeated

        "Yh, this is Kylie"

       "Nice to meet you kid"

       "uhm, my pleasure", looking confused

      "How did you get here", kylie asked

       "We came to save you" Zonic replied

       "Oh really, how's that working out"

       "Uhm, badly", Zonic replied

       "hey guys sorry to interrupt your reunion but don't you remember we are being held captive here", Exavier uttered staring at them both.

      "Yh I do", struggling to use his powers

       "Sorry dude, You can't use ur powers here, there's some kind of powerful force that cancels Soul Energy, it's prevents me from escaping, and that's the same thing it's doing to you two"

      "Oh come on", Zonic said

       "Seriously, so we are gonna be here forever", Exavier asked

       Avoiding Exavier's question Kylie asked Zonic "Why did you bring this kid"

     "Hey am not just a kid you know"

      "I brought him here because he's a Valmorian inhabitant also", Zonic replied

     "What!", Kylie yelled

     "Yh I am, and I also have seven soul beasts sealed inside me"

      "Wait, that means you are"

     "Yes, he is the  son of Our hero"

      "Son of who now, Hero?, what's going on, you didn't mention anything about a hero Zonic"

Speaking in haste with to much curiosity

     "I will explain later but we have to get out of here"

     "Uhm, have you forgotten we can't use our powers" Exavier uttered

     " I have an idea", Kylie said

     "What Is it", Zonic uttered eagerly waiting for a reply

     "If you have the powers of seven soul beasts, that means u are the key to our escape" Kylie uttered referring to Exavier

       "How am I the key", Exavier asked

       "There is a particular Soul beast that has a massive amount of Soul energy, not even a force like this could be able to stop us from escaping, the beast is called THE SOUL CATCHER, during the time the soul catcher was at large, it steals souls to power him up making him  more powerful in the process.

     "Uhm!, there's a problem", Zonic uttered

      "What's that", Kylie replied

      "He as only awakened one of his soul beasts"

     "So, don't you think I know that, I could only sense the presence of the Aramantian Syndroid"


      Immediately Kylie said that, Exavier was shocked. He realized the beast was from planet Aramantia. Now he knew Zonic was hiding things from him.

       "Hey kid, if you can awake the soul catcher we will be able to get out of here"Kylie said

       "Okay, I'll try", Exavier replied feeling nervous

       Exavier closed his eyes to channel his soul energy. He opened his eyes and found himself in a mysterious chamber, he could feel an immense amount of Soul energy in the area.

     He followed this energy, it brought him towards massive cage. Exavier slowly walked to towards the cell. Before he could get close enough to see, a beast screamed out scaring Exavier in the process.

     "Who are you", the beast yelled

     "What, you can talk" Exavier replied

     "Wait a minute, you are Exavier"

      "How do you know my name"

      "I have been sealed inside you, I have been with you since when you were a child, why won't I know you"

     "Wait, you are the soul catcher"

     "I prefer the name Crescent"

      "So your name is Crescent"

      "Yes it is, the soul catcher was just a name given to me cus..."

      Cutting him off.... "You steal souls to make urself even more powerful"

     "How do you know that"

     "Someone told me"

      "Oh really"

      "Yh, I need your help"

      "You've been captured right, now you need my help to set urself free"

      "How do you know that"

       "I may not be awakened yet, but I can still sense the fear in you"

      "I have only awakened the syndroid, I need you "

     "The only way I can help is for you to remove this cage"

     "How can I do that"

      "I will transfer some of my soul energy to you, you will use that to free me"

     "Okay, then"

      Like on queue, energies were transferred into Exavier and he fused it with The Syndroid's soul energy making a powerful shockwave that opened the cage in a spontaneous manner that it was almost like the inner domain was shaking instantaneously as the soul catcher exploded with raw power throwing exavier consciousness back to reality.

    Exavier awakens with the force destroying the cage and obliterating the guards to nothingness. Kylie and Zonic were surprised alongside being free.

     Kylie didn't expected the power to be that powerful. The smirked an stood up, so did Zonic and Exavier.

      "Let's get out of here", Exavier said

      "No, we have to find void", Zonic replied

      "No way, he's a villian now"

      "I agree with the kid, Void isn't who we thought he was", Kylie sadly said

     "No, I don't believe you, I know he has some good in him"

     Kylie heard some demons rushing towards the cell they were being held.

    "We have to get out of here, the demons are on their way"Kylie uttered searching for a way out.

   Kylie looked upwards and blasted the ceiling above with a powerful purple crescent blast that destroyed the ceiling immediately.

    Exavier was amazed, he finally realized all Valmorians are powerful in their own kind of way.

      They all jumped out but was surrounded by demons guarding the bunker from outside.

       "Oh so the bunker was here all this time", Exavier uttered scratch his head

      "Forget about that, we have to get out of here before Vicashi and Void gets here" Kylie uttered

   She charges at the demons leaving Zonic and Exavier to watch the show.

     Kylie punched several demons destroying  them in the process. She owned the ability to create a powerful force Field using her soul energy, she is known to have a massive amount of Soul energy but not as massive as the soul catcher's. Her no force Field could create a crescent blast that can cut through anything.

      She could use the forcefield to create a mighty Shockwave that can destroy an entire desert.  She also as the ability to pull or push any opponent by using an unseen force, this ability is known as telekinesis.

      She could also energize her fist of feet with Soul energy which makes her punches or kick severely destructive. One punch like that and her opponent will be half dead or worse... fully dead.

Kylie destroyed all the demons and she had fun doing that.

Their lifeless body littered around her.

   "Looks like you still got it", void uttered walking towards the three of them majestically forming a red tiny ball above his finger tips that were lifted up to his chest level.  " Intriguing!!!. "   He bellowed.

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