Jaugernide's Rampage

After two weeks, Exavier had mastered his soul energy and also befriended the soul catcher and the Syndroid. They were both helping him in

is training.

       Zonic had also noticed this and was happy about it all. Void and Kylie had really bonded better than before, their relationship had grew more stronger.

     To cut the long story short the team had bonded and became more stronger.

      Aviarrus instructed Exavier to rest after a long day of training, although the sun was still shining brightly. Exavier decided to stroll around and admire the forest.

    He didn't have much time to stroll because of his constant training. He walked around the forest admiring the butterflies and other animals, he was Astonished seeing some animals of planet earth in a different planet.

     After a while Zonic summoned him, he realized it was time for more training, he grunted angry and left.

            * Unknown Location *

     Vicashi had arrived at an undisclosed location where he was ordered to locate the jaugernide.

      "How  am I supposed to find this beast", Vicashi uttered staring around the surroundings.

      "Well well well, who do we have here", a bold voice was heard from the background.

     "Who are you", Vicashi asked boldly staring at the beast standing in front of him.

       "Am the one whose supposed to ask that question", he replied staring at Vicashi angrily.

       Vicashi grinned a little before saying, "Are you trying to intimidate me"

     "No, but am trying to crush you"

     Jaugernide immediately raised his huge palm and formed a fist trying to smash Vicashi.

     Vicashi immediately evaded the attack he stood firmly generating enough dark energy. He created multiple dark energized spikes and sent them all towards the jaugernide.

     Jaugernide formed an X sign with his arm blocking the dark spikes. He leaped up smashing his fist on the ground creating a powerful shockwave that swept through the field destructively. 

      Vicashi was blown away but he regained balance using his hands for support and standing up firmly.

      He raised his hands telekinetically levitating the jaugernide upwards and slowly crushing him. The jaugernide felt his bones being crushed slowly, Vicashi smirked and pushed him towards a tree making him smash his back onto it and destroying it in the process.

       "Now will you listen to what I have to say", Vicashi asked Looking confident

       "Have had enough of this", he yelled leaped up and running towards Vicashi.

     He swung his arm left and right trying to grab Vicashi buh Vicashi was too fast for him evading the huge arm over and over again.

      Vicashi leaped backwards and projected a small dark blast at the the beast. Like before the jaugernide formed an X with his arm trying to block the attack.

     Immediately the blast made contact with the beast it expanded and blew up sending the jaugernide flying backwards over a long distance and smashing any tree that crosses it's path.

      Vicashi grinned mischievously and flew towards the beast. He couldn't move a muscle, he just stared at Vicashi until he was close to him.

       "Now we can talk", Vicashi uttered moving closer to him. Jaugernide shrugged and stared angry

     "What do you want", he asked Vicashi angrily

      "I need your help", he replied

      Jaugernide stared a bit before bursting into laughter, "so you came here to ask for help", he asked

       "You can't move but you can laugh uhn", Vicashi inquired

        "Just answer the question punk", he said raising his hands slowly as a sign off annoyance.

       "My master wants your help, he need you to abduct a child"

       "Oh really, so you came here to ask if I can abduct a child"

       "Yes I do, and he will reward you if you help out"

        "Hmmm, not sure if I can help buh, what type of reward exactly"

        "Anything you desire"

       Jaugernide's eyes widened in shock and excitement.

        "Oh Really, it's a done deal"

          "Good, I will give you the description and everything else you need to know", Vicashi uttered with a slight grin on his face.

                    **** Aramantia ****

      Zonic was strolling around the forest checking out the beautiful scenery. Suddenly the sky turned dark, Zonic looked up looking confused.

     "What's going on",he uttered

     He suddenly noticed a portal opening in front of him. Vicashi and The jaugernide walked out slowly. Zonic was really confused and curious at the same time.

       "What's all this Vicashi", Zonic asked


        "What do you think, am here to get the boy." , he replied with a slight grin on his face.

        "You will have to go through me then", Zonic muttered standing firmly

        Vicashi smirked and ordered Jaugernide to find Exavier, he didn't waste time. Immediately he leaped forward searching for the little boy.

      Vicashi and Zonic stared for a while before the battle begun. A sword appeared on Vicashi's hand, he infused it with dark energy making it deadly in the process.

      Zonic held ten spikes, he leaped backwards and threw them in different directions. Vicashi smirked and pinned him in the hair creating spikes made from dark energy.

     He launched them towards Zonic immediately, Zonic's eyes sparked instantly. He emitted a powerful wave of  lightening that swept the dark spikes away and also Vicashi making him loose balance and leaving him in the process.

     He teleported behind Vicashi generating lightening bolts from his palm. Vicashi's reaction to this was fast enough to dodge the attack, he immediately created a wave of dark energy to repel Zonic.

      Zonic instantly teleported by his side and smashed the lightning bolt on Vicashi's face making him tumble multiple times.

      Vicashi slowly stood up wiping the slight blood stain by the side of his lips. He levitated Zonic and dragged him forward.

     When Zonic got close enough he was about to  smashed his dark energized fist onto him, Zonic instantly teleported once more appearing behind him and sending a Lightening bolt which expanded and blew up once it got close to Vicashi.

     Vicashi was sent flying but he later regained balance he launched himself forward directing multiple dark blast towards Zonic.

    Zonic easily evaded the attack teleporting out of each blast easily. Vicashi created a wave of dark energy once more repelling Zonic backwards and making him lose his balance.

   Vicashi smirked and said, "Now you can't teleport"

    Zonic looked shocked, he realized his spike had been destroyed making him unable to use them. The Rest of his teleporting spikes had been kept in the tree house, he had only brought twelve with him.

   Ten of them had been destroyed, he had to make use of the remaining two.

     Void and Kylie were sitting close to the fountain throwing stones into the water. Jaugernide leaped past them instantly making them turn around and noticing him.

     "What's that", Kylie asked looking confused.

     "I don't know but it's headed towards the tree house", he replied getting up instantly and running towards the tree house.

     Jaugernide could sight the tree house from afar, it's just a matter of a few leaps . Before he could get close enough he was surrounded by dark flames.

    "Where do you think you are going beast", void uttered looking serious

     The beast swung is hand immediately trying the hit the man standing in front of him, void leaped backwards avoiding the attack and directing multiple dark flames towards him.

    The best was severely hit but the attack didn't make a serious damage to his body.


    Void instructed Kylie to find Zonic immediately. She ran towards the area she saw Zonic passed hoping he wasn't in trouble.

     Vicashi charged towards Zonic launching himself like a rocket generating Enough Dark energy for a final blow. Unknown to him Zonic still had two spikes with him at that moment.

    Immediately he got close, Zonic leaped up throwing one of the spike behind him and teleporting there instantly directing multiple Spheres of electricity behind him.

     Vicashi tumbled and fell by a tree. Zonic picked up his spike an slowly walked towards him.

     Vicashi smirked, raising his hand and levitating Zonic upwards, he slowly crushed his body cracking his bones in the process. Raising his other hand making every object in the surrounding area float and stick onto Zonic's body like a magnet attracting metal.

      The tree barks and leafs with other things in the surrounding area had stick to Zonic, it got bigger and bigger until it had became a gigantic tree boulder.

     Vicashi laughed, mocking the helpless man. Suddenly a noticed a spark coming out of the boulder, it got bigger by the second until it completely  destroyed the boulder making Zonic fall down instantly and sweeping Vicashi off his feet.


     Vicashi stood up and realized Zonic freed himself but injured himself in the process.

     Kylie was still running towards the area Zonic went when she noticed a loud bang and sparks of lightning, she ran faster so she could help out, but as she got there she saw Zonic's unconscious body lying on the ground.

     She ran forward checking his pulse, he was still alive and sighed in relief.

     "What did you do to him", She asked angrily

   "Actually he did that to himself", Vicashi replied.

     Void was busy facing of with the Jaugernide, he was a powerful warrior buh the jaugernide was surprisingly powerful and making it a Little bit of a challenge.

     Void had to find a way to hypnotize the beast buh he wasn't given a minute to think, the beast continuously swung his arm around, leaping up and roaring.

      Void couldn't keep up and was getting tired of it.

     Exavier was busy training with Aviarrus when he suddenly heard a loud roar, unaware of what was going on for some time due to his meditation process, same as Aviarrus.

     "What's going on", He asked Aviarrus

       "I think the others are in trouble", he replied.

      "We have to help", he said getting up

      "We", he said looking straight into Exavier's eyes.

     "Yes we"

      "Fighting isn't for me kid, you have to help them yourself"

     "Fine, have it your way", he uttered running towards the chaos.