Never Give Up

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"What the hell are you", Exavier asked as his face formed a puzzled expression.

"I am entropy", the figure voiced out, terrifying Exavier. "I am death, Zendrix", the figure uttered he smirked mischievously.

"I'll have to take this guy down fast", Exavier uttered as he dashed towards the direction of the devilish figure. Immediately he got close enough, he was smacked out of the way instantly and he tumbled multiple times before regaining balance. The impact was so powerful that Exavier coughed out blood continuously.

"Who is this Insolent fool that attacked me without caution, did you do it out of desperation or you are just foolish", zendrix's voice echoed all over as he walked forward, staring at the sky.

"This isn't Valmore, where am I", Zendrix asked himself as he looked even more puzzled.

"How about I tell you", Void said as he lands a punch on Zendrix, the figure turned out to be unfazed as he grabbed void, holding his face aggressively.

"Don't test me you pest", he said throwing void away like a piece of trash.

"I can sense the presence of a powerful Soul Energy, but I don't see Snide Solar anywhere", Zendrix muttered as he walked passed the destruction caused in the previous battle.

"That's cause Snide isn't alive anymore, you are looking at the next generation", Void replied almost immediately as he slammed his fist forward but caught immediately and repelled backwards by a powerful headbutt.

"Hahahahaha", Zendrix laughed as he Clenched his fist.

"What's funny", Exavier said as the young lad walked forward grabbing his blade in the process.

"You don't seem to ever give up do you"

"I will never give up"

"hmmm,Your energy reminds me of Snide"

"shut that damn mouth of yours"

Dashing forward and directing his blade for an horizontal slash, Zendrix grabbed the blade abruptly as he crushed it. Without caution, Exavier created another medium sized blade and slammed it at the other side, but Zendrix also caught the blade.

"It seems he can predict exavier's movement", Kylie said as she struggled to stand up.

"Oh yeah, I can see that now", void replied, he rested his back onto a tree, trying to catch his breath.

"I hope Exavier has figured it out"

Void was wrong, Exavier had not figured it out, he continuously got thrown away but Zendrix was feeling the pressure.

"I am getting tired of this little brat"

"Am not done yet"

Exavier's eyes turned gold as golden wings emerged from his back, Zendrix eyes widened in shock.

"Now i understand"

"You are Snide's child aren't you", Zendrix said finally seeing the similarity of their energy and soul.

Exavier Froze at that,"Snide's child? Me?, he contemplated, then shot out at Zendrix leaving behind a golden blur in his stead.

The two collided, Exavier throwing punch after punch, all of which Zendrix evaded with a little bit of ease, sending counter attacks at timely moments that Exavier couldn't dodge.

Exavier was mentally distracted. Zendrix didn't seem Iike the one to lie, and he'd talk about a powerful Soul Energy..."Could that be me", he quizzed fighting blindly.

"You fight just like him", Zendrix laughed, grabbing both of Exavier's hands, halting him. "With the same spirit and will fail like him", he smirked and struck a punch, square in the lad's torso, sending him into the ground, drilling a trench to the earth till he came to a stop meters away.

"You knew didn't you?, he muttered under his breath as void ran to his aid to help him up.

"What? what are you talking about?" void froze confused and scared.

"He is saying the truth isn't he?", Snide....snide was my father?"

Void stood, a statue, one with the ground. "I..I wanted to tell you", he finally found his voice. "I really did, but Zonic insisted on keeping you in the dark".

Silence descended for a moment as Zendrix slowly levitated towards them, using the chance to regain some lost energy.

"None of that matters now Exavier", Kylie stood beside void, the strain obviously in her face. "Right now, we have a monster to fight, when we take him down, then we will decide what and who you are", she said pulling him out of the trench.

He looked at her taking deep breaths then facing void. "Fine", he said, obviously begrudged by the secret. "But after this....", he didn't say anymore as those words sent a message to void.

He faced Zendrix who had now sprouted demonic wings and had a vile suffocating aura around himself.

"Let's get this over with", he muttered to himself and vanished, reappearing behind Zendrix.