Lily was not allowed much time to rest that Evening. Night was day for vampires, and she happened to be out for the entirety of it, searching the city with Samantha for clues of her parents. She found a tree that she recognized from her childhood, but nothing more. They had returned late into the evening, and after three lousy hours of sleep, Lily was awoken by a knock on her door.
Leon stepped inside.
"I know you must be terrible exhausted," he said, turning on her light. "But we need your assistance. The prince has announced company for the evening, and unfortunately, a handful of our cooks have come down with a cold. Humans are squishy, delicate creatures."
Lily sat up, groggy with sleep and seeping with disappointment. "What do you want me to do?" she asked.
"Head down to the kitchen," Leon directed her. "The cooks will tell you what to do."