Chapter 40

She was dead.

For this, Lily was for certain.

The mate Damon had so eagerly been seeking was dead. And Lily was a coward.

For weeks, she held the secret in her heart, too afraid to break Damon’s love—to awaken him from the spell she had someone managed to pull him into. For any man to love her seemed like a task out of reach. But for someone like Damon—a leader, stalwart and strong. For someone so radiant, so powerful to feel the way he felt about her, to act how he did toward her…

The thought of destroying it all by telling him the truth…

Lily ached in the moments when Damon wasn’t looking. Those brief moments when he stared off into the sky, she felt her smile slack and the wound in her heart grow and splinter along like shattered glass.

She loved him, but Lily was not his mate. She didn’t know the severity of what that meant until she joined Victoria in the kitchen to ask about it.